25 Things Toxic Moms Might Say, According To Experts

Below is a summary of the article I contributed to. Read the full article on VeryWellMind

  • Gaslighting & Denial: Toxic moms often deny hurtful comments, claiming, “I never said that!” to shift blame and make you doubt your reality.

  • Invalidation: Phrases like “Why can’t you just get over it?” dismiss your feelings, making you feel unsupported and unheard.

  • Comparisons: Statements such as “You’re just like your grandmother” are manipulative, aiming to deflect blame and suggest that you are the problem.

  • Shutting Down: Comments like “You need to grow up and deal with it” are designed to avoid emotional conversations and dismiss concerns.

  • Blame Shifting: Toxic moms frequently say, “This is your fault,” making you responsible for their actions or behavior.

  • Keeping Secrets: Asking you to hide things from others, like “Don’t tell your dad...,” creates unhealthy dynamics and stress.

  • Criticism: Constant negative feedback, such as “Why didn’t you do better?” undermines self-esteem and leads to feelings of inadequacy.

  • Over-Controlling: Demanding to know your whereabouts or controlling your social life reflects boundary issues, inhibiting your independence.

  • Guilt Tripping: Manipulative phrases like “You’re my best friend!” or “Why do you always make everything about you?” serve to control or guilt you.

  • Projection: Toxic moms often accuse their children of being selfish or sensitive, projecting their own issues onto them.

  • Oversharing: Inappropriate comments about personal life or sex life can blur boundaries, putting emotional strain on the child.

  • Criticism of Relationships: Saying things like “You should break up with them” without valid reasons shows an overstepping of boundaries.

  • Harsh Insults: Statements like “You’re so dumb sometimes!” can be disguised as jokes but are often emotionally abusive.

  • Dismissive Apologies: Phrases like “I’m sorry you feel that way” deflect responsibility, making you feel unheard.

  • Emotional Manipulation: Comments such as “I sacrificed everything for you” are designed to make you feel indebted or guilty.


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